About Ed Briggs
The Short Story
Son of David H. Briggs and Esther Covert. Born 1936 in Jacksonville, Florida–the youngest of three brothers. Grew up in Maryville, Tennessee, where his father taught at Maryville College. Oldest brother killed in WW II. Became an Eagle Scout in 1953. Graduated from Maryville High School in 1954. Graduated from Carson-Newman College with majors in Religion and English in 1958. Studied for the ministry at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Earned three degrees including the Doctor of Ministry. Married in 1956. Two daughters born 1957 and 1961. Pastor of a Baptist church in Tennessee for 9 years and one in Maryland for 16. Published his written sermons for many years. Authored two religious books published by Broadman Press. These writings are included in the Publications section. Retired from the ministry in 1990 and joined Macro International 0f Silver Spring, Maryland. Completed almost 25 years with Macro/ICF, directing development of technology applications. Started edbriggs.com in 2009. Now retired and living in Waynesboro, PA. No longer identifies with the Southern Baptist Convention. Lifetime interests include writing, poetry, running, computers, swimming, open water swimming, bicycling, guns and marksmanship, flying, motorcycling, golfing, trumpet playing, hiking and mountain climbing, tennis, photography, animals and wildlife, music, reading, and travel.